Texture Sharing

It is sometimes necessary to share more than just state updates or short messages between applications. We may need to share an entire image over for various reasons:

  • Continue image processing in another app.
  • Use OF image as a texture for a material in a 3D rendering application.
  • Projection map the OF image using mapping software.
  • Use OF as an input for VJ software.
  • Etc.

Texture sharing is often required for building interactive installations, and there are a few options for doing so. The following frameworks use special optimized techniques to share images, and therefore tend to be much faster than something built for shorter messages, like OSC for example.

morookamitsuo Feb 14, 2015


Syphon is a macOS technology that allows applications to share frames in real-time. It does this by sharing texture memory avoiding unnecessary copies, and keeping data on the GPU as much as possible.

Syphon has plug-ins available for a multitude of platforms including openFrameworks, Processing, Unity, Jitter, VDMX, MadMapper, etc. It is an open-source project, which makes it easy for anyone to build their own bindings to Syphon, and this is why the list of supported applications keeps growing.

We will use the ofxSyphon addon for openFrameworks. This includes both server and client implementations, meaning we can send and receive images to / from any other application that supports Syphon.


The following is a simple thresholding app that includes two servers:

  • serverGrabber publishes the input video using the ofxSyphonServer.publishTexture() function.
    • This takes a pointer to an ofTexture as an argument, so we will use the & operator before the variable to convert it to a pointer.
  • serverThreshold publishes the result threshold image using ofxSyphonServer.publishScreen().
    • publishScreen() sends whatever has been drawn on screen up to that point, so we need to draw thresholdImg before calling it.
    • Note that the GUI panel does not get sent to Syphon because it is drawn after the call to publishScreen().
// ofApp.h
#pragma once

#include "ofMain.h"

#include "ofxGui.h"
#include "ofxSyphon.h"

class ofApp : public ofBaseApp
  void setup();
  void update();
  void draw();
  ofVideoGrabber grabber;
  ofImage thresholdImg;
  ofxSyphonServer serverGrabber;
  ofxSyphonServer serverThreshold;
  ofParameter<int> thresholdVal;
  ofParameter<bool> sendGrabber;
  ofParameter<bool> sendThreshold;
  ofxPanel guiPanel;
// ofApp.cpp
#include "ofApp.h"

void ofApp::setup()
  ofSetWindowShape(640, 480);

  // Start video grabber.
  grabber.setup(640, 480);
  // Allocate threshold image (same size as video, single channel).
  thresholdImg.allocate(640, 480, OF_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE);
  // Set up Syphon servers.
  serverGrabber.setName("Video Input");
  serverThreshold.setName("Threshold Image");
  // Set parameters and GUI.
  thresholdVal.set("Threshold Val", 127, 0, 255);
  sendGrabber.set("Send Grabber", true);
  sendThreshold.set("Send Threshold", true);
  guiPanel.setup("Syphon Send", "settings.json");

void ofApp::update()
  if (grabber.isFrameNew())
    // Threshold video image.
    // Use references (&) when getting the ofPixels objects to
    // avoid unnecessary copies.
    ofPixels& videoPix = grabber.getPixels();
    ofPixels& thresholdPix = thresholdImg.getPixels();
    for (int row = 0; row < videoPix.getHeight(); row++)
      for (int col = 0; col < videoPix.getWidth(); col++)
        int pixVal = videoPix.getColor(col, row).getBrightness();
        if (pixVal < thresholdVal)
          thresholdPix.setColor(col, row, ofColor(0));
          thresholdPix.setColor(col, row, ofColor(255));
    if (sendGrabber)
      // Send grabber texture.
      // This has to be a pointer, so we add & before the argument.

void ofApp::draw()
  thresholdImg.draw(0, 0);
  if (sendThreshold)
    // Send current screen, which is just the threshold image.


We can now write a client app that reads the published textures.

  • Note that each ofxSyphonClient needs to be set with a corresponding name to the ofxSyphonServer.
  • We first need to call ofxSyphonClient.setup() then ofxSyphonClient.set() to set the server and app name. The server name is whatever we used in our sender (“Video Input” or “Threshold Image” above), and the app name is the name of the executable. In our case it would be something like “syphon-sendDebug”.
// ofApp.h
#pragma once

#include "ofMain.h"

#include "ofxGui.h"
#include "ofxSyphon.h"

class ofApp : public ofBaseApp
  void setup();
  void draw();
  ofxSyphonClient clientGrabber;
  ofxSyphonClient clientThreshold;
  ofParameter<bool> recvGrabber;
  ofParameter<bool> recvThreshold;
  ofxPanel guiPanel;
// ofApp.cpp
#include "ofApp.h"

void ofApp::setup()
  ofSetWindowShape(640, 480);
  // Set up Syphon clients.
  clientGrabber.set("Video Input", "syphon-sendDebug");
  clientThreshold.set("Threshold Image", "syphon-sendDebug");
  // Set parameters and GUI.
  recvGrabber.set("Recv Grabber", true);
  recvThreshold.set("Recv Threshold", false);
  guiPanel.setup("Syphon Recv", "settings.json");

void ofApp::draw()
  if (recvGrabber)
    // Draw grabber.
    clientGrabber.draw(0, 0);
  else if (recvThreshold)
    // Draw threshold.
    clientThreshold.draw(0, 0);

Server Directory

While this client works, it is not ideal that we have to know the server name ahead of time because this is prone to errors and the name might change at any time. ofxSyphon also comes with an ofxSyphonServerDirectory which lists all available servers on the machine.

Let’s use this to write a more robust client application. We will use an event listener to automatically call a function when the value of an ofParameter is changed, and set the client using this info.

// ofApp.h
#pragma once

#include "ofMain.h"

#include "ofxGui.h"
#include "ofxSyphon.h"

class ofApp : public ofBaseApp
  void setup();
  void draw();
  void serverIndexChanged(int& val);
  ofxSyphonServerDirectory serverDirectory;
  ofxSyphonClient client;
  ofParameter<int> serverIdx;
  ofxPanel guiPanel;
// ofApp.cpp
#include "ofApp.h"

void ofApp::setup()
  ofSetWindowShape(640, 480);
  // Set up Syphon server directory.
  // Set up Syphon client.
  // Set parameters and GUI.
  serverIdx.set("Server Idx", 0, 0, 10);
  serverIdx.addListener(this, &ofApp::serverIndexChanged);
  guiPanel.setup("Syphon Recv", "settings.json");

void ofApp::draw()
  if (serverDirectory.isValidIndex(serverIdx))
    // Draw Syphon server.
    client.draw(0, 0);

void ofApp::serverIndexChanged(int& val)
  // Check that the server index is within bounds.
  if (serverDirectory.isValidIndex(serverIdx))
    ofLogNotice(__FUNCTION__) << "Bind server " << serverIdx;
    // Bind the client to the selected server.
    ofLogWarning(__FUNCTION__) << "Server " << serverIdx << " out of bounds!";

Event Listeners

Event listeners in openFrameworks are functions that are automatically called when an event happens. We have used pre-configured listeners like mousePressed() before, but we can also set up our own.

An event listener function first needs to be defined. This is simply a function that takes a reference to a variable as an argument. When using listeners to respond to changes to ofParameter, the argument needs to be the same as the ofParameter type.

For example, to listen for changes to an ofParameter<int>, our function argument would have to be a variable of type int&.

Once the function is defined, it needs to be registered with the object it is listening to.

In all cases, we need to pass a pointer to the object where the listener is defined, usually this, and a pointer to the listener function itself, usually something like &ofApp:Listener.

The following example adds listeners to the serverAnnounced and serverRetired events of ofxSyphonServerDirectory to ensure our index is always within range.

// ofApp.h
#pragma once

#include "ofMain.h"

#include "ofxGui.h"
#include "ofxSyphon.h"

class ofApp : public ofBaseApp
  void setup();
  void draw();
  void serverListChanged(ofxSyphonServerDirectoryEventArgs& args);
  void serverIndexChanged(int& val);
  ofxSyphonServerDirectory serverDirectory;
  ofxSyphonClient client;
  ofParameter<int> serverIdx;
  ofxPanel guiPanel;
// ofApp.cpp
#include "ofApp.h"

void ofApp::setup()
  ofSetWindowShape(640, 480);
  // Set up Syphon server directory.
  ofAddListener(serverDirectory.events.serverAnnounced, this, &ofApp::serverListChanged);
  ofAddListener(serverDirectory.events.serverRetired, this, &ofApp::serverListChanged);

  // Set up Syphon client.
  // Set parameters and GUI.
  serverIdx.set("Server Idx", 0, 0, 10);
  serverIdx.addListener(this, &ofApp::serverIndexChanged);
  guiPanel.setup("Syphon Recv", "settings.json");
  // Force call events once so that the app starts in a fully configured state.
  ofxSyphonServerDirectoryEventArgs args;
  int idx = serverIdx;

void ofApp::draw()
  if (serverDirectory.isValidIndex(serverIdx))
    // Draw Syphon server.
    client.draw(0, 0);

void ofApp::serverListChanged(ofxSyphonServerDirectoryEventArgs& args)
  // Adjust the range of the server index parameter.
  serverIdx.setMax(serverDirectory.size() - 1);
  // Make sure the server index is within bounds.
  if (serverIdx >= serverDirectory.size())
    serverIdx = 0;

void ofApp::serverIndexChanged(int& val)
  // Check that the server index is within bounds.
  if (serverDirectory.isValidIndex(serverIdx))
    ofLogNotice(__FUNCTION__) << "Bind server " << serverIdx;
    ofxSyphonServerDescription desc = serverDirectory.getDescription(serverIdx);
    // Bind the client to the selected server.
    // Update the window title.
    ofSetWindowTitle(desc.appName + "::" + desc.serverName);
    ofLogWarning(__FUNCTION__) << "Server " << serverIdx << " out of bounds!";
C4D_OF_ImageProcessing_SyphonLink from Adam Heslop on Vimeo.


Spout is the equivalent to Syphon but for Windows platforms. It uses a special GPU feature that allows textures to be shared between different apps running on the same PC, and has a fallback method in case the hardware does not support it.

Similarly to Syphon, Spout already has plug-ins available for a multitude of platforms, and being open-source, allows any developer to write their own Spout interface for any tool they choose.

We will use the ofxSpout addon for openFrameworks. Make sure to use the upgrade-2.007h branch of the addon.


The following app is a similar thresholding app with two senders.

  • Note that ofxSpout only includes a send() function which takes an ofTexture reference as a parameter.
// ofApp.h
#pragma once

#include "ofMain.h"

#include "ofxGui.h"
#include "ofxSpout.h"

class ofApp : public ofBaseApp
  void setup();
  void update();
  void draw();

  ofVideoGrabber grabber;
  ofImage thresholdImg;

  ofxSpout::Sender senderGrabber;
  ofxSpout::Sender senderThreshold;

  ofParameter<int> thresholdVal;
  ofParameter<bool> sendGrabber;
  ofParameter<bool> sendThreshold;

  ofxPanel guiPanel;
// ofApp.cpp
#include "ofApp.h"

void ofApp::setup()
  ofSetWindowShape(640, 480);

  // Start video grabber.
  grabber.setup(640, 480);

  // Allocate threshold image (same size as video).
  thresholdImg.allocate(640, 480, OF_IMAGE_COLOR);

  // Set up Spout senders.
  senderGrabber.init("Video Input");
  senderThreshold.init("Threshold Image");

  // Set parameters and GUI.
  thresholdVal.set("Threshold Val", 127, 0, 255);
  sendGrabber.set("Send Grabber", true);
  sendThreshold.set("Send Threshold", true);

  guiPanel.setup("Spout Send", "settings.json");

void ofApp::update()

  if (grabber.isFrameNew())
    // Threshold video image.
    // Use references (&) when getting the ofPixels objects to
    // avoid unnecessary copies.
    ofPixels& videoPix = grabber.getPixels();
    ofPixels& thresholdPix = thresholdImg.getPixels();
    for (int row = 0; row < videoPix.getHeight(); row++)
      for (int col = 0; col < videoPix.getWidth(); col++)
        int pixVal = videoPix.getColor(col, row).getBrightness();
        if (pixVal < thresholdVal)
          thresholdPix.setColor(col, row, ofColor(0));
          thresholdPix.setColor(col, row, ofColor(255));


    if (sendGrabber)
      // Send grabber texture.

    if (sendThreshold)
      // Send threshold texture.

void ofApp::draw()
  thresholdImg.draw(0, 0);



The following app holds two receivers corresponding to the two senders from above.

  • We also need to create an ofTexture per receiver, and pass it as an argument to the receive() function.
  • ofxSpout::Receiver holds a selectSenderPanel() function, which displays all available senders when called. Selecting a different sender in the panel overrides any settings made in the app.
// ofApp.h
#pragma once

#include "ofMain.h"

#include "ofxGui.h"
#include "ofxSpout.h"

class ofApp : public ofBaseApp
  void setup();
  void update();
  void draw();

  void keyPressed(int key);

  ofxSpout::Receiver receiverGrabber;
  ofxSpout::Receiver receiverThreshold;

  ofTexture texGrabber;
  ofTexture texThreshold;

  ofParameter<bool> recvGrabber;
  ofParameter<bool> recvThreshold;

  ofxPanel guiPanel;
// ofApp.cpp
#include "ofApp.h"

void ofApp::setup()
  ofSetWindowShape(640, 480);

  // Set up Spout receivers.
  receiverGrabber.init("Video Input");
  receiverThreshold.init("Threshold Image");

  // Set parameters and GUI.
  recvGrabber.set("Recv Grabber", true);
  recvThreshold.set("Recv Threshold", false);

  guiPanel.setup("Spout Recv", "settings.json");

void ofApp::update()
  if (recvGrabber)
    // Draw grabber.
  else if (recvThreshold)
    // Draw threshold.

void ofApp::draw()
  if (recvGrabber)
    // Draw grabber.
    texGrabber.draw(0, 0);
  else if (recvThreshold)
    // Draw threshold.
    texThreshold.draw(0, 0);


void ofApp::keyPressed(int key)
  if (key == ' ')


Syphon and Spout are great for sharing images between applications, but they are limited to a single machine. We sometimes need to share images between different machines and that’s where NDI comes in!

NDI is a high performance standard for video over IP. This means that it can be used to send images over the network with very low latency. The SDK is compatible with Windows, Mac, Linux, and even iOS and Android making it truly versatile.

There are many options for using NDI under openFrameworks (see here, here, and here), and you may want to try different ones to see if any suits your needs more than another.

ofxNDI by Lynn Jarvis is my preferred choice at the moment, but requires a manual installation of the NDI SDK on the machine (after registration on the NDI website).

  • On Mac, you will also need to install the NDI redistributable after installing the SDK. The installer will be located in /Library/NDI SDK for Apple/redist/libNDI_for_Mac.pkg.
NDI Redistributable
NDI Redistributable


The following app only has a single ofxNDIsender, and switches between textures to send using the value of the ofParameter settings.

// ofApp.h
#pragma once

#include "ofMain.h"

#include "ofxGui.h"
#include "ofxNDI.h"

class ofApp : public ofBaseApp
  void setup();
  void update();
  void draw();

  ofVideoGrabber grabber;
  ofImage thresholdImg;

  ofxNDIsender ndiSender;

  ofParameter<int> thresholdVal;
  ofParameter<bool> sendGrabber;
  ofParameter<bool> sendThreshold;

  ofxPanel guiPanel;
// ofApp.cpp
#include "ofApp.h"

void ofApp::setup()
  ofSetWindowShape(640, 480);

  // Start video grabber.
  grabber.setup(640, 480);

  // Allocate threshold image (same size as video, single channel).
  thresholdImg.allocate(640, 480, OF_IMAGE_COLOR);

  // Set up NDI senders.
  ndiSender.CreateSender("NDI Sender", grabber.getWidth(), grabber.getHeight());

  // Set parameters and GUI.
  thresholdVal.set("Threshold Val", 127, 0, 255);
  sendGrabber.set("Send Grabber", true);
  sendThreshold.set("Send Threshold", false);

  guiPanel.setup("NDI Send", "settings.json");

void ofApp::update()

  if (grabber.isFrameNew())
    // Threshold video image.
    // Use references (&) when getting the ofPixels objects to
    // avoid unnecessary copies.
    ofPixels& videoPix = grabber.getPixels();
    ofPixels& thresholdPix = thresholdImg.getPixels();
    for (int row = 0; row < videoPix.getHeight(); row++)
      for (int col = 0; col < videoPix.getWidth(); col++)
        int pixVal = videoPix.getColor(col, row).getBrightness();
        if (pixVal < thresholdVal)
          thresholdPix.setColor(col, row, ofColor(0));
          thresholdPix.setColor(col, row, ofColor(255));


    if (sendGrabber)
      // Send grabber pixels.
    else if (sendThreshold)
      // Send threshold pixels.

void ofApp::draw()
  thresholdImg.draw(0, 0);



Because we only have a single sender, the receiver is simplified as a single ofxNDIreceiver that just gets drawn to the screen.

// ofApp.h
#pragma once

#include "ofMain.h"

#include "ofxGui.h"
#include "ofxNDI.h"

class ofApp : public ofBaseApp
  void setup();
  void update();
  void draw();

  ofxNDIreceiver ndiReceiver;
  ofTexture ndiTexture;

  ofxPanel guiPanel;
// ofApp.cpp
#include "ofApp.h"

void ofApp::setup()
  ofSetWindowShape(640, 480);

  ndiTexture.allocate(640, 480, GL_RGBA);

  // Set parameters and GUI.
  guiPanel.setup("NDI Recv", "settings.json");

void ofApp::update()

void ofApp::draw()
  ndiTexture.draw(0, 0);

Unity Vision.

Webcam Sources

All three of these frameworks have the option to advertise their shared texture as a webcam. This means that we could use the output from our OF app as an ofVideoGrabber or anywhere on the system where we would use a video input!

  • With Syphon, this is achieved with the Syphon Virtual Webcam third party tool.
  • With Spout, the SpoutCam app can be run to set up the webcam stream.
  • With NDI, we would need to install the additional NDI Tools and run the NDI Webcam app from the suite.