
openFrameworks has an advanced logging system that can be useful for reporting and debugging your applications.

Log Level

Log messages have a “severity” level:

  • OF_LOG_VERBOSE: For extra information (TMI)
  • OF_LOG_NOTICE: For normal reporting, like status updates, state changes, etc.
  • OF_LOG_WARNING: For minor errors that can be ignored, like an image that is not the dimensions you expected.
  • OF_LOG_ERROR: For major errors that should be handled, like an image that fails to load because the file does not exist.
  • OF_LOG_FATAL_ERROR: For showstopper errors, like not finding a camera for a vision based app.

Messages are output to the console using the ofLog(...) method and passing a log level.

ofLog(OF_LOG_NOTICE) << "Hey this is a message!";

Note the use of the left-shift operator <<. This is similar to how we have been logging messages using cout up to now.

This special << operator tends to be used when we are “pushing” or “adding” something to something else. In this case, we are pushing string objects to the logger, which writes them all out in a single line.

The “something” we are pushing must either be a string or an object that the compiler knows how to convert to a string. It already knows how to handle numbers (int and float) and simple objects (ofPoint and ofRectangle) but for anything custom or more complex, we will need to break that out ourselves.

// ofApp.cpp
#include "ofApp.h"

void ofApp::setup()
  ofLog(OF_LOG_VERBOSE) << "The app is now starting!";

  if (image.load("dog-grass.jpg"))
    float imageRatio = image.getWidth() / image.getHeight();
    if (imageRatio != 16.0 / 9.0)
      ofLog(OF_LOG_WARNING) << "Dog image has the wrong aspect ratio " << imageRatio << ", it will be stretched!";
      ofLog(OF_LOG_NOTICE) << "Dog image loaded successfully with dimensions " << image.getWidth() << "x" << image.getHeight() << ".";
    ofLog(OF_LOG_ERROR) << "Unable to load dog image, make sure it's in the data folder!";

  if (!grabber.setup(1280, 720))
    ofLog(OF_LOG_FATAL_ERROR) << "Unable to open camera, there's no reason to keep going :(";

Notice that all messages are output to the console except the first VERBOSE message.

[ error ] ofImage: loadImage(): couldn't load image from ""dog-grass.jpg""
[ error ] Unable to load dog image, make sure it's in the data folder!
[ fatal ] Unable to open camera, there's no reason to keep going :(

This is because the default log level is OF_LOG_NOTICE. Any log messages using a level above this will not be printed. This can be changed with a call to ofSetLogLevel(). The parameter is any of the log levels listed above, or OF_LOG_SILENT which will disable all logging no matter what the severity is.

// ofApp.cpp
#include "ofApp.h"

void ofApp::setup()
  //ofSetLogLevel(OF_LOG_NOTICE);  // default

  ofLog(OF_LOG_VERBOSE) << "The app is now starting!";

  if (image.load("dog-grass.jpg"))
    float imageRatio = image.getWidth() / image.getHeight();
    if (imageRatio != 16.0 / 9.0)
      ofLog(OF_LOG_WARNING) << "Dog image has the wrong aspect ratio " << imageRatio << ", it will be stretched!";
      ofLog(OF_LOG_NOTICE) << "Dog image loaded successfully with dimensions " << image.getWidth() << "x" << image.getHeight() << ".";
    ofLog(OF_LOG_ERROR) << "Unable to load dog image, make sure it's in the data folder!";

  if (!grabber.setup(1280, 720))
    ofLog(OF_LOG_FATAL_ERROR) << "Unable to open camera, there's no reason to keep going :(";

We would change the log level depending on if we are debugging our app, running it for a demo, or preparing a build for release. Instead of having to go through all our code and commenting or deleting all the log lines, a simple call to ofSetLogLevel() can set the appropriate level of console logging.

Log Modules

The ofLog() methods can be swapped out for their ofLogXXX() counterpart. So ofLog(OF_LOG_NOTICE) becomes ofLogNotice(), ofLog(OF_LOG_ERROR) becomes ofLogError() and so on, which is a little less verbose.

// ofApp.cpp
#include "ofApp.h"

void ofApp::setup()
  //ofSetLogLevel(OF_LOG_NOTICE);  // default

  ofLogVerbose() << "The app is now starting!";

  if (image.load("dog-grass.jpg"))
    float imageRatio = image.getWidth() / image.getHeight();
    if (imageRatio != 16.0 / 9.0)
      ofLogWarning() << "Dog image has the wrong aspect ratio " << imageRatio << ", it will be stretched!";
      ofLogNotice() << "Dog image loaded successfully with dimensions " << image.getWidth() << "x" << image.getHeight() << ".";
    ofLogError() << "Unable to load dog image, make sure it's in the data folder!";

  if (!grabber.setup(1280, 720))
    ofLogFatalError() << "Unable to open camera, there's no reason to keep going :(";

Another advantage of this version is that we can add an optional module as a parameter to the function. The module is just a string that can represent the part / section of the code we are dealing with.

// ofApp.cpp
#include "ofApp.h"

void ofApp::setup()
  //ofSetLogLevel(OF_LOG_NOTICE);  // default

  ofLogVerbose("App") << "The app is now starting!";

  if (image.load("dog-grass.jpg"))
    float imageRatio = image.getWidth() / image.getHeight();
    if (imageRatio != 16.0 / 9.0)
      ofLogWarning("Image Load") << "Dog image has the wrong aspect ratio " << imageRatio << ", it will be stretched!";
      ofLogNotice("Image Load") << "Dog image loaded successfully with dimensions " << image.getWidth() << "x" << image.getHeight() << ".";
    ofLogError("Image Load") << "Unable to load dog image, make sure it's in the data folder!";

  if (!grabber.setup(1280, 720))
    ofLogFatalError("Grabber Init") << "Unable to open camera, there's no reason to keep going :(";

The module will prepend your log message in the output.

[ error ] ofImage: loadImage(): couldn't load image from ""dog-grass.jpg""
[ error ] Image Load: Unable to load dog image, make sure it's in the data folder!
[ fatal ] Grabber Setup: Unable to open camera, there's no reason to keep going :(

Instead of coming up with a module name every time, we can also use the __FUNCTION__ macro, which will automatically get replaced by the full method name during compilation.

// ofApp.cpp
#include "ofApp.h"

void ofApp::setup()
  //ofSetLogLevel(OF_LOG_NOTICE);  // default

  ofLogVerbose(__FUNCTION__) << "The app is now starting!";

  if (image.load("dog-grass.jpg"))
    float imageRatio = image.getWidth() / image.getHeight();
    if (imageRatio != 16.0 / 9.0)
      ofLogWarning(__FUNCTION__) << "Dog image has the wrong aspect ratio " << imageRatio << ", it will be stretched!";
      ofLogNotice(__FUNCTION__) << "Dog image loaded successfully with dimensions " << image.getWidth() << "x" << image.getHeight() << ".";
    ofLogError(__FUNCTION__) << "Unable to load dog image, make sure it's in the data folder!";

  if (!grabber.setup(1280, 720))
    ofLogFatalError(__FUNCTION__) << "Unable to open camera, there's no reason to keep going :(";
[ error ] ofImage: loadImage(): couldn't load image from ""dog-grass.jpg""
[ error ] ofApp::setup: Unable to load dog image, make sure it's in the data folder!
[ fatal ] ofApp::setup: Unable to open camera, there's no reason to keep going :(

Log Channels

ofLog() does not necessarily need to log to the console. It might make more sense to log to a file that can be examined later, especially in the context of an installation going live. This can be done using the function ofLogToFile().

// ofApp.cpp
#include "ofApp.h"

void ofApp::setup()
  //ofSetLogLevel(OF_LOG_NOTICE);  // default

  ofLogToFile("log-" + ofGetTimestampString() + ".txt", true);

  ofLogVerbose(__FUNCTION__) << "The app is now starting!";

  if (image.load("dog-grass.jpg"))
    float imageRatio = image.getWidth() / image.getHeight();
    if (imageRatio != 16.0 / 9.0)
      ofLogWarning(__FUNCTION__) << "Dog image has the wrong aspect ratio " << imageRatio << ", it will be stretched!";
      ofLogNotice(__FUNCTION__) << "Dog image loaded successfully with dimensions " << image.getWidth() << "x" << image.getHeight() << ".";
    ofLogError(__FUNCTION__) << "Unable to load dog image, make sure it's in the data folder!";

  if (!grabber.setup(1280, 720))
    ofLogFatalError(__FUNCTION__) << "Unable to open camera, there's no reason to keep going :(";

We can switch back to console logging with ofLogToConsole().