Final Project

Create a fully fleshed out interactive. This can take many shapes:

  • Reactive installation
  • Performance
  • Game
  • Product prototype
  • Something else
Fish Hammer from Neil Mendoza on Vimeo.


  • Work on your own or with a partner (team of 1 or 2).
    • Project complexity should be proportional to the size of your team.
    • Clearly define everyone’s roles.
    • If you have an idea and are looking for a partner, propose it on Discord!
  • Use a sensor!
    • Make sure you can get access to the sensor you want to use, either as a purchase or loan from the ER.
    • Pick something that will work best for your setup. For example, if you need to track cards on a table, don’t use your laptop’s built-in webcam.
  • Use a computer as a sensing device.
    • A computer means a PC, phone, Raspberry Pi, or anything OF runs on.
    • You can use many networked devices if needed.
  • Use openFrameworks to write your sensing code.
    • You can use OF for the entire project, or you can hand-off to other tools like Unity, Processing, MadMapper, etc.
    • If you have a hand-off, use a communication protocol that makes sense for your data.
    • All parts of your project have to work, even the non-OF ones.
  • Use some of the techniques we covered in class AND something new!
    • We will have time to go over new topics in the remaining classes, so as long as you stay realistic, don’t limit yourself to what you already know.
  • Break the project up into digestible modules.
    • Think of how the logic can be split up.
    • Think of what needs a proof of concept, what needs a prototype, etc.
  • Expose your parameters and use a GUI or some form of controller to tweak them for best results.
    • Take advantage of the GUI save / load function.
    • Include both “setup” and “presentation” modes, where the GUI is shown / hidden, the canvas takes up a window / full screen, etc.

For all points above, pick the right tool for the job.


You have 4 weeks to work on your project. You will need to present progress every week: a proposal, two milestones with updates and work in progress, and a final working project.

Nov 21 / Project Proposal

  • Present the idea.
    • What does it do?
    • Why does it do that?
    • How is it presented? What is your plan for presenting it in class?
    • What are some references that inspired you?
  • Analyze the components.
    • What are the different components of the project?
    • How will the work be divided?
    • What are you comfortable with? What is completely unknown? What is risky?
  • Make a plan.
    • What research will you do?
    • What components will you prototype?
    • What will you present for the milestones?
    • When and how will you combine work with your teammate (if any)?

Nov 28 / Milestone Check-in

  • Progress update.
    • Did your scope change? If so, why?
    • What did you do last week?
    • Are you still on track?
    • Do you need help with anything?
  • Prototype presentation.
    • Show working or failed prototypes.
    • Talk through problems faced and how you resolved them.

Dec 5 / Milestone Check-in

  • Progress update.
    • Did your scope change? If so, why?
    • What did you do last week?
    • Are you still on track?
    • Do you need help with anything?
  • Prototype presentation.
    • Show working or failed prototypes.
    • Talk through problems faced and how you resolved them.

Dec 12 / Final Presentation

  • Present the final project.
    • It needs to be set up and working!
    • If you have special requirements, take enough time to gather what you need.
  • Postmortem
    • Did your scope change from the initial design? Why and how?
    • What are you satisfied with? What needs improvement?
    • If you had to start over, would you change anything?



You will need to submit your progress online.

  • Use a blog, GitHub Pages site, or something similar.
  • Post everything you will present in class every week.
  • Post the link in the #assignments-23 channel on Discord!


  • Submit a package including everything I need to build and run your project.
    • Create a top-level project named SM99_LastLast where Last is every teammate’s last name. For example, if I work with Jane Doe, my project will be called SM99_ZananiriDoe.
    • If you use many frameworks, use directories to differentiate them.
    • If you use many apps, use directories to differentiate them.
- SM99_ZananiriDoe/
  - OF/
    - ServerVideo/
      - ...
    - ServerAudio/
      - ...
  - Unity/
    - ClientWorld/
      - ...
  • Only submit the necessary files to rebuild your project. Using OF as an example:
    • This includes sources, the addons.make file, and any resources in your data folder.
    • No project or compiled files.
    • In the example above, you would only keep the src folder, addons.make file, and bin/data if you are using any external assets.
- SM99_ZananiriDoe/
  - OF/
    - ServerVideo/
      - src/
      - bin/data/
      - addons.make
  - ...
  • Package everything up as a ZIP.
    • Make the ZIP available on your blog, either directly or upload it to a service like Google Drive and post the link.

Thank you!